The Benefits of Keeping a Diary: How Journaling Improves Intelligence

Writing has long been associated with the ability to increase one's intelligence and even improve their IQ. Keeping a diary is an incredible tool for mental health and emotional intelligence (EQ). It is a simple but powerful way to manage thoughts and feelings as you go day by day, and it is far from being a new invention. Studies have shown that writing regularly can have a direct correlation with improving your intelligence quotient.

It forces you to think and express yourself in established linguistic forms, and that requires the acquisition of new vocabulary. Keeping a diary has the ability to improve your IQ. A report from the University of Victoria noted that “Writing as part of language learning has a positive correlation with intelligence.” Other tips on how to keep a journal may include elements of performance analysis, describing your experiences, writing statements of your self-esteem, recording your successes, or perhaps “chatting” with yourself as a child. Keeping a diary allows you to reflect on all the good things in your life, which, in turn, allows you to be grateful.

It also helps you gain clarity, solve problems and manage stressful events. Writing in a journal leads you to that state of mindfulness; past frustrations and future anxieties lose their advantage in the present moment. And for now, let go of screens when keeping a diary, writing by hand stimulates and trains the brain in a way that digital communication doesn't. A study found that keeping a journal could help students effectively manage stress and anxiety, as well as improve overall classroom participation.

It can also reduce the risk of disease and accelerate the recovery of those struggling with various psychiatric conditions. When you set aside time every day during which you are going to write in your diary, you are creating an act of discipline for yourself. In conclusion, keeping a diary is an incredible tool for mental health and emotional intelligence (EQ). It helps you gain clarity, solve problems and manage stressful events. Writing regularly can have a direct correlation with improving your intelligence quotient.

It also helps reduce stress and anxiety, as well as improve overall immune function and reduce the risk of disease. When you set aside time every day during which you are going to write in your diary, you are creating an act of discipline for yourself.

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